Friday, September 24, 2010

In a relationship, what men really want?

Wow the title kind of expert. I would like to discuss this topic when there are a few friends of mine asked, "why my blog always attack the men." Usually when the blog was built by nanny, a young man is rarely interested.

What is your secret ....?

It makes me laughing when I think about that question. Why...? It is tough questions to answer. I'm not preaty sure. Perhaps they were comfortable on this, probably because with chat, conversation topics and the broader discussion sometimes more entertaining.

what men really want? Since most of visitors in this blog are men, let ask them a simple question ... what men really want from their spouse?

Enjoy and try to find a beautiful woman, and show to the world or seek a woman who may become your wife to share your life with her?

There is no doubt, most of them (men) are really attracted to physical appearance, but the attraction of desire only the beginning. The next stage, men are more interested in a more stable relationship.

It is right most of men want women who have a balance between the feminine nature, and at the same time, strong and tough?

From a survey conducted an international organization, majority of men prefer to choose a beautiful woman, even if they are not educated. It is more to the  psychology which is men always want to be a leader. Leaders need to be more intelligent than the people he leads.

Come on man, write down what you want so that the girls out there know what to do.

Wake-up the silent readers .. let give your opinion

Thursday, September 23, 2010

How to recognize a potential Cheating Husband

How to recognize a potential Cheating Husband

When two people fall in love, they expected to marry one day and still live happily ever after. Although this dream is certainly possible for many couples is not the case for everyone. Unfortunately, between 35% and 40% of women and 40% to 50% of men cheat on their spouses. With these statistics, which means the possibility of a situation in the case, is relatively high.

In this article we wanted advice with tips on how to you recognize a potential cheater. This way, you are not blind. Note that these tips for a spouse cheating signs are traditional signs, a person could be seen, but it does not always mean that your spouse is going outside of marriage. Therefore, instead of accusing her husband, an affair, just because you notice one or more indicators, be careful and start to collect information when you are suspicious.

One way to recognize a potential cheater, is to hire a detective (private investigator). The advantage here is that your husband or your wife will never know that they are watched. This way you can confirm your suspicions about your partner one way or another. If your spouse is cheating, then you can be take the appropriate steps, but if not, no harm has been done. Of course, the key to a professional for hire, someone who is uniquely qualified, experienced and discreet.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Problem Solving Strategies

What could you use some good problem solving strategies? New ideas for your business, maybe. New ways to care for their children. To come up the various approaches to building things, writing stories or to find a job. Whatever the reason, here is a powerful partner in problem-solving strategies.

Use your subconscious Mind

Use your unconscious mind to do your troubleshooting. Start with the description of a problem in your head before going to bed. Then tell your brain to go to work. Albert Einstein had luck with this technique, sometimes you get your "ah-ha" profile while shaving the next morning.

Train your mind to continue working on the problem while you do other things. There are more than we know, on our heads. If you work for the first time on a problem, then move on while waiting and waiting for a solution, an answer can come to you if you are not expected.

Joke the cheating husband

Good advised!

A man walked up to a suburban house and knocked on the door. When a woman opened the door, the man asked if she knew how to have sex. Not amused, she slammed the door. Again, the man knocked, and again asked the same question. Again, not amused, she screamed, "Get the hell away!"

Later, she told her husband of the incident. He said he would stay home the following day just in case. Sure enough, the next day the same man returned. The husband hid with his gun while the lady answered the door. When she was asked again if she knew how to have sex, she said yes. The man replied, "Great, give some to your husband the next time you see him and tell him to keep away from my wife!!"

Monday, September 20, 2010

Sharing Story - Experience Wife 2 (Cheating Husband)

My husband constantly cheats
Experience Wife 2 (Cheating Husband)

My husband and I have been married for 9 years. Out of those 9 years he has cheated on me during 8 of them. He has cheated while I was pregnant with both my children and even left me when I was pregnant with the first one and attempted to sleep with a prostitute when I was pregnant with the second one. I have taken him back over and over, many times without any explanation or apology from him. A year ago I found out he had cheated with a lady he worked with. I forgot to mention he is a truck driver and is gone all the time. He met this lady at the driver school and they began to have an affair. When I found out about the affair it had been going on for 5 months.

I had some suspicious before I found out but he always denied it. He always says he doesn't know why he did it when I confront him about it. After I ask him several more times he always find a way to blame me by sating he couldn't talk to me, our sex life is not spontaneous or that he has lost the desire to be intimate. After this last affair I told him I wanted a divorced he broke down emotionally and begged me to give him another chance.

Since I had never seen that side of him and he started to open up more and apologized repeatedly I decided to give it a try. He promises me that he would stay away from the porn and that he would never cheat again. I accepted his promises but not without caution and suspicion, I mean I had heard that before. I thought we were working things out good. We were communicating better, we started praying together nightly, and we always told each other we love him/her before getting off the phone.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

How to Confront with Cheating Husband

Confront with Cheating Husband

If you suspect your spouse is cheating, so you want to know. Although to finding the truth is the most painful thing I've seen, it would be much better to know the truth, that questions of the person you love. Unfortunately, if your spouse is cheating, he or she do everything so that the situation calmly. So while in some cases can approach a person and get the response you want, you probably would be told flat out, "I'm not cheating, even if this were the case.

For this reason, it is important that you think or even evidence of his cheating before confronting your spouse. With these words, the husband or wife has no other choice than to go with the truth. Note that some potentially dangerous situations, ask for the spouse of an affair. Therefore, if your spouse has been abused in any way, you have someone with you or conduct the meeting in a secure network. In fact, some cases to a professional to do the rental situation for you.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Sharing Story - Experience Wife 1 (Cheating Husband)

Experience Wife 1 (Cheating Husband)

This is my first post. I just recently found this place and would like to vent a little. I have been married for nearly 7 years on September 27, and I am not sure if we are going to make it. My husband started his "innocent" internet flirting several years ago. When I confronted him about it, he would stop for several months until I would catch him again. However for the last 3 years he has been on a rollercoaster ride to destruction. When I discovered him going into chatrooms and instant message women, I installed a im sniffing program on my computer. At first I used to read the messages, now I usually just look for certain words. 

For the last 2 years the only anniversary gift I have asked for is for him to commit himself to me and stop cheating. He does not consider the internet sex as cheating and feels that I have blown everything out of proportion. One of his internet "girlfriends" has been with him on and off for 5 years. I feel that he has a more emotional and physical connection with her than he does with me. I truly want to save our marriage, but I don't think that it is possible anymore. He has totally forgotten his vows to me and tells me that he doesn't want to leave some of his girls because he feels sorry for them.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

The important signs of a cheating husband - PART 2

If your husband was suspected cheating, you will feel that something is wrong, but I can not really put my finger on anything specific. If there is a saying that "if you think you are cheating, probably, you notice something going to help. The following information may give information to your spouse as well as tips on how to lose.

Phone mannerisms are different:

Your partner or spouse ...
  • Get the "mysterious" phone calls.
  • You will receive an increasing number of hang-ups or wrong numbers "when you pick up the phone, especially if the caller hangs up after hearing your voice and speech disorders. Generally, when someone chooses a.." Bad "results, at least ask: "Fred there?" before hanging up (but not always).
  • Phone bills that show unexplained toll or long distance charges.
  • A hastily accepted the call to answer first.

The important signs of a cheating husband - PART 1

So let me give you some subtle (and not so subtle) clues that must be considered if it is your spouse or partner unfaithful suspicious. Although none of these "red flags" automatically means that they cheated, should be considered to determine whether further investigation is warranted as possible indicators of deception.

In general, what is the point that the change in behavior. Therefore, let some of the behaviors that you can see if your love was untrue:

Strange behavior at home:

Your partner or spouse ...

  • Appears away to show a lack of interest or develop an unexplained gap.
  • He is often tired or lack of interest in the relationship.
  • Come home smelling like a perfume unknown.
  • Wears cologne more frequently than usual.
  • Comes home and goes straight into the shower and tub.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Cheating Husband Signs - What to Look For If You Think Your Man is Unfaithful

You don't want to believe it, but deep down you think that your husband is cheating on you. You feel like a fool for ever falling in love with him. You wonder how this is happening to you and you hate it. You want to learn the truth once and for all since your husband doesn't have the courage to stand up to you.

You need to look for some cheating husband signs. You need to look for changes in his routine, attitude and body language so you can learn the truth. You don't always have to spend the money on expensive spyware if you want to uncover what is really happening. You know your spouse best so here are some cheating husband signs.

If your husband comes home from "work" late and starts smothering you with love, then that is a bad sign. You might think that he is doing it because he misses you so much but that is not the case. Chances are, he was sleeping with someone else and on the way home he began to feel really guilty about it. Showering you with love and affection makes things better in his mind so he can at least fall asleep tonight. If he never gives you affection anymore and all of a sudden it is out of the blue, right after he was late coming home, then that is a bad sign.

Another sign that your husband is being unfaithful if he is short with you. If you ask him how his day was and he never goes into any detail anymore and if he is very blunt with you, then there is a problem. He is starting to fall out of love with you and he is annoyed by you because he is sleeping around with someone else. A change in his attitude is a great indication that something is going on behind your back.